About Gunther's Guides & More
Welcome to Gunther’s Guides & More! I use this website to publish guides, ramblings, and other thoughts about digital privacy & security, video game console hacking, or any other topic I find interesting. In addition to my posts, you can also check out my resources & recommendations list, which includes software, podcasts, books, and more.
One of the goals of this website is to promote a freer and more decentralized internet. In that spirit, this is a static site containing no analytics or tracking. Because of this I have no idea how many people visit the site or which posts are the most popular, so feedback is especially welcome. If you have any comments, questions, suggestions for improvement, or just enjoyed what you have read, feel free to contact me.
This website is generated with Hugo and the Anubis theme. It is hosted with Codeberg Pages and all original content is licensed under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license. The penguin favicon is from Twemoji and used in accordance with their license terms.